Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) in special education professions (pilot study)
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
How can the effectiveness of special education work be improved? Does the ability to adapt its methods and interventions individually to the person supported play a prominent role in different areas of special education work, as it also does in psychotherapy? Recent findings in psychotherapy research provide ample evidence that formalized feedback from the client to the therapist significantly improves the therapy outcome. It must be assumed that under certain framework conditions, the same mechanisms are at work also in special education and therapeutic special education professions.
The FIT pilot study is conceived as a preliminary study prior to a controlled efficacy study. As a feasibility study, the aim is to sound out and evaluate the use of the FIT feedback method in various application areas and settings, paying special attention to the integration of FIT in the world of practice.
Project number
Project Team
- Barbara Baumann
- Barbara Weber
- Johanna Soyer
- Karin Zumbrunnen
- Susanne Amft