Intensive support teams: Profile and need for support of team members
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
Working in intensive support of people with disabilities and challenging behaviours is often stressful to the team members. Stress and strain can lead to a decrease in the quality of care, and clients can suffer as a result. Only competent, motivated, satisfied, and healthy intensive support team members can ensure that clients with challenging behaviours and cognitive impairments have an adequate and structured living environment in which education and further development can take place and in which quality of life can develop.
This research project has the following aims:
- Develop a profile for team members working in intensive support that can serve as a basis for optimal recruiting methods, initial training, and performance review processes and for education and continuing education options (also at the tertiary level).
- Develop a concept of team members’ need for support in intensive support work, so that they can deliver high-quality work over a longer time period to the benefit of the clients and so that their job satisfaction and health is assured.
Project Management
Pia Georgi-Tscherry Title Prof.
Stefania Calabrese Title Prof. Dr.
Project number
Project Team
- Widukind Zenker
- (2016).Herausfordernde Verhaltensweisen - Herausfordernde Situationen: Ein Perspektivenwechsel.Julius Klinkhardt.