Optimisation of the Mathematical Short Tests 1-9 HfH (MKT)

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

The 'Optimisation of the Mathematical Short Tests 1-9' development project is the follow-up project to 'D.11 Current Level of Learning in Mathematics at Levels 1-9'. 3600 children were tested using the beta version (the first version of a computer programme). Evaluation showed that eight of the nine tests are highly reliable. Eight of the nine tests also showed a significant correlation with evaluations made by teaching staff. Seven of the nine tests classify the performance of the children satisfactorily.
The above-mentioned shortcomings need to be eliminated. Furthermore, the existing standardised beta version is to be improved upon through the selection of items and the replacement of tasks with regard to their content and level of difficulty. This will allow an approximation to the normal distribution of test values. The capacity of existing tests to distinguish between children with good mathematical abilities is slight. A reduction in the number of items will help reduce the average resolution time to the proposed twenty-minute limit for all instruments.

Project Management

Stefan Meyer Title lic. phil.




  • Duration
  • Project number

Project Team

  • Angela Wyder
  • Hansjörg Abegglen


The aim of this project is to optimise and validate the beta version of the Mathematical Short Tests at School Levels 1-9, which are to become instruments used in screening procedures.A further component aim is to reduce the resolution time of the Mathematical Short Tests 1-9 HfH to twenty minutes.

The screening test must, on the one hand side, be an effective, empirical sieve-like instrument used to obtain current learning levels. On the other hand side, it must be as time-efficient and simple to use as possible.

Methodical approach

The first phase of this project will see the analysis and selection of existing versions (item analysis, content analysis). Revised test versions will be created and tested in the second phase. In the third phase, the tests will be evaluated and prepared for use in the professional field.

Teaching staff and the project team will continuously ascertain existing content analyses and the didactical portraits of the test tasks. The tasks will be presented to the pupils in flexible interviews. A didactical guide describes the test's various application possibilities. Guidelines regulate the organisation and progression of the whole project.

The tasks must meet the indicative targets set by the supporting cantons, the HfH and the Principality of Liechtenstein in the following areas: Geometry, technical calculation (drawing, symbols, numbers, relations, mathematical operations), factual problems and problem solving. This project is anchored in the project methods, the classical test theory, the principles of empirical pedagogical diagnostics and integrative mathematical didactics.The planned publications will contain refined analysis sheets and the usual manuals for test evaluation.


Financial support