From Minecraft to Read&Writecraft (MIREW): Supporting language development through games

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

Modern technologies can help children with learning problems learn. Studies have found, for example, that targeted use of computer games can support language development. This research project aims to investigate to what extent this may be the case also with children with language development problems such as dyslexia and dysgrammatism and how other factors, such as well-being and self-regulation, can be increased.

Project Management

Achim Hättich Title Dr. phil.




  • Duration
  • Project number

Project Team

  • Silvia Brem


The research project examines whether a group of children with language development problems who are using computer games to learn show greater learning progress than a group using traditional learning materials. The focus is on cognitive and emotional effects.

Methodical approach

With two groups a comparative intervention study will be conducted. The experimental group will use the strategy game Minecraft, whereas the control group will work with traditional learning materials. The groups will be at special schools and regular schools in the cantons of Zurich, Thurgau, Glarus, and St. Gallen. We will aim for a sample of 60-80 children. In addition to the time needed to master the challenge in the game, we will assess, among other things, achievement motivation (FLM 4-6; Petermann & Winkel, 2007), students’ emotional and social experiences (FEESS 3-4; Rauer & Schuck, 2003), and resilience (RS-11; Schumacher, Leppert, Gunzelmann, Strauß, & Brähler, 2005).


It is expected that the children will show improvement in reading, spelling, and text comprehension but also increased well-being and improvement in general skills such as self-regulation.